How do I find articles?


Use periodical indexes and abstracts to find citations to articles. Go to the Databases by Subject and use a database best suited to your topic (often the subject will match the course). A full-text database will help you find an article. If you're not sure which database to use, start with the databases that are asterisked, or, go to the Circulation Desk and ask for assistance. Or Ask A Librarian. If the full text is not linked in the database you are using, print the citation and search for the title of the periodical in Publications by Title, which includes e-books as well as all print, electronic, or microform periodicals at Texas Lutheran University. Submit an Interlibrary Loan Journal Request for any article which the library does not own.


  • Last Updated Oct 05, 2023
  • Views 14
  • Answered By Yanira Cruz

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